It turned out that safflower oil, which is preferred to take advantage of its many benefits, especially for weight loss, is dangerous. Experts warned about safflower oil, which has recently become popular with the claim that it weakens, and stated that it is a dangerous oil for human health, which causes inflammation, especially cancer, and has various harmful effects.
v Safflower oil has come to the fore with its benefits until now. However, experts made important warnings about safflower oil. Safflower oil, which was used to dye clothes because of its color in ancient times, began to be used for commercial purposes in the USA in the 1950s. In our country, safflower oil has been shown as an alternative to sunflower oil. Safflower oil, which is produced as edible oil, is later started to be produced as an alternative oil for biodiesel producers. In recent years, safflower oil has been used especially by women to lose weight. Experts warn about this oil, which even invites cancer.

Safflower oil is the oil obtained from a plant whose homeland is Southeast Asia, which is yellow-orange in color and grows with or without thorns. In our country, it grows mostly in the Mediterranean region. It is similar to sunflower oil with 75 grams of Omega-6 content. However, safflower contains more CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) than sunflower oil. In addition, there is no Omega-3 in safflower oil. Omega-9 value can be increased with improvement studies according to demand. Edible safflower oil goes through numerous processes such as heat treatment, chemical treatment, fixation and solvent extraction.
Instead of the very expensive saffron plant, the safflower plant is often used as a spice due to its color. Safflower, which was used as an industrial raw material in paint and surface coatings before 1960, is now used as a solvent in paints. It is also widely used as a hair conditioner. For this, you need to look at the content of the hair products you buy. Most importantly, in recent years, it has been used as a retirement oil and also as an oil used in animal feeds.

Experts report that safflower oil will adversely affect human health due to the deteriorated Omega-6 ratio. In addition, experts are of the opinion that a large imbalance in the ratio of Omega-6 can trigger heart, bone, joint, muscle diseases, cancer, autoimmune diseases and many health problems. In the Middle Ages, when safflower oil was obtained in a healthier way, this oil was used to treat some diseases. Today, however, exposure to heat and chemicals in the process of obtaining negates its potential benefit. As a result, natural Omega-6 is now very difficult to get, so we need to take advantage of Omega-3 sources naturally.

- It restricts the airways.
- It prolongs the duration of inflammation.
- It facilitates inflammation.
- It can increase blood clotting.
- It makes circulation difficult.
- Increases pain sensitivity.
- It triggers fire.
- It facilitates the formation of cancer.
- It increases bloating.
- It constricts blood vessels.