They’re Sinking Boats and Torturing them on Land! Here’s Greece’s ‘Shadow Army’

Every day, a new one is added to the inhumane behavior that Greece applies to refugees. This time, Greece established the ‘Shadow Army’ to kill and torture refugees. This ‘shadow army’ of different nationalities sinks the boots of immigrants and tortures them. They also confiscate money and passports of immigrants.
While Greece’s intervention towards immigrants did not fall on the agenda, the Athens administration further aggravated its attitude towards immigrants. The ‘shadow army’, formed by the gathering of people from different nationalities, sinks the boots of immigrants and tortures them. Immigrants, whose money and passports are taken, are then thrown to the Turkish border by this gang.
According to the news, photographs, videos and witness statements published by Al-Jazeera revealed the existence of masked troops belonging to different nationalities. The horrific abuses of the Shadow Army against refugees in the sea and land border areas have been proven by the images. Masked forces sink refugees’ boats at sea and torture them on land.

Dozens of videos have emerged proving that masked troops are slaughtering refugees in the middle of the sea. The troops hiding in the forest torture the immigrants they catch like pirates and throw them at the Turkish border after taking their money and passports. Eyewitnesses informed that the people in the masked units spoke different languages, including Arabic. The number of casualties at the Greek border is unknown due to the silence of the Greek authorities, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency.
The Greek government has so far denied the existence of the masked army. However, the footage revealed that masked troops harassed refugees in front of the European security services. In a statement to Al-Jazeera, which revealed the Shadow Army, opposition MP and former Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis stated that European institutions, the EU, the Greek government and other governments have committed crimes against humanity.
Greece is sending most of the immigrants who set foot in its country back to Turkey via the Evros River, contrary to the conventions it has been a party to for more than 10 years. In recent years, the Greek border forces have been doing this half-naked in order to undermine the personality rights of immigrants and spoil their psychology. According to the data of the Ministry of Interior, Greece has sent 61,737 immigrants to Turkey since 2020, 14,987 of them via the land border. 152 migrants who were pushed back died and 200 were injured.
What do migrants have to do with articles on food? Do you really have to be the stereotype of an extreme Turkish ultra nationalist that has nothing better to do with their time than rant about Greeks?
Ok lets go there then. At last Turkey has an agreement with EU to stop migrants in Turkey. It’s violating that agreement. Turkish nationalist have time to video Greece stopping migrants from violating out borders but apparently magically they don’t have time to stop those migrants from leaving in the first place. Greece isn’t sending migrants to Turkey. Turkey is sending migrants to Greece and Greece is stopping them ok?
And while some Turkish nationalists are self-righteously angry at Greece for protecting it’s own borders…they then switch tunes when it comes to Turkey.. There have been countless violent attacks against migrants in Turkey. The Turkish state, along with bombing Syria, has also been quietly trying to push back migrants into a war zone in Syria. It;s also been busy deporting refugees to Afghanistan. All thi while having the audacity to lecture Greeks..
Then of course there is the “minor” issue of extreme nationalist in Turkeys government claiming Greek islands as Turkish and violating UNCLOS. And while Greece banned Golden Dawn Erdogan has embraced MHP… a front for fascist terrorist organization Turkish Grey Wolves. And how many journalists has AKP arrested these last few years? Turkish “journalism” is practically on par with North Korea. It’s nothing more than a front for extreme nationalism in Turkey and this one-sided article is just one more example of it.
In short… your blindness over hypocrisy and extreme nationalism going on in Turkey destroys any moral credibility you have to lecture anyone about extremism and migrants. Fix your own home before lecturing others on theirs..
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