They Forgot Scissors In The Surgery!

Interventions during surgery are vital. Small mistakes made in surgery can cause patients to die. When a Brazilian councilor started experiencing various symptoms days after his surgery, he learned that the scissors were forgotten inside.
Cleyton Jose Zanatta, a member of parliament living in Brazil, had surgery for a tumor in his intestines. Although everything went well in this first intervention, he started to feel uncomfortable in the first week of recovery, at the end of January, and eventually went back to the hospital feeling bad. After the tests at the hospital, the doctors found that the patient had a forgotten surgical scissors in his body.

According to the publications, Jose Zanatta was sent to the hospital, the first hospital where he was re-operated so that the body could be removed. Cleyton Jose Zanatta said he would not complain about the hospital. “I just had the tumor removed which came back positive, I’ll have to go to the doctor and get it checked out. I don’t think so right now. But we’ll see what happens next.” he explained.
The man has been discharged from the hospital and, according to the same publication, the incident is being investigated by the State Ministry of Health.

This isn’t the first time distracted doctors have forgotten various surgical supplies inside their patients. In September, a strip of gauze that had been in it for more than 20 years was removed from a woman’s intestine.