Thermometers in China Showed -54

The coldest day of the last half century has been experienced in Mohe, northern China! Thermometers showed -54
The coldest day in the last 54 years was experienced in the city of Mohe in the Heilongjiang region of northern China, the temperature dropped to 53 degrees below zero.
According to the BBC’s report, the air temperature in Mohe, located in the north of the country, on the Russian border, was 53 degrees below zero at 07:00 local time on 22 January. It was the coldest event on record since 1969, when the temperature in Mohe measured 52.3 degrees below zero.
In Mohe, which is shown as the coldest region of China and known as the North Pole of the country, the winter season generally lasts for 8 months. One of the country’s winter tourism centers, Mohe welcomes tourists throughout the year.