The City With The Most Crime In The World: 9 Out Of 10 Cities Are in Mexico

The City With The Most Crime In The World: 9 Out Of 10 Cities Are in Mexico
The Mexican city of Colima was recorded as the city with the highest crime rate in the world, with 181.94 murders per 100 thousand people in 2022. According to the report, 9 out of 10 cities with the highest number of murders are in Mexico.
The report, published by the Public Safety and Criminal Law People’s Council (CCSPJP), lists the 50 cities with the highest crime rates in the world.
The report said Colima topped the list with 181.94 murders per 100,000 people last year.
Mexico has been hosting the most dangerous cities in the world for 6 years. While there are 17 cities from Mexico, 9 of the 10 cities with the highest crime rate in the world came from this country in the report, which lists 50 cities with a population of more than 300 thousand and a high crime rate.

In the report, the current government, which allegedly turned a blind eye to the actions of criminal organizations operating in the country and thus opened up space for criminal organizations, was criticized.
“No other national government has implemented a public safety policy that allows criminals to freely embrace violence and do so openly, as is currently the case in Mexico,” the report said. expression was used.
Emphasizing that significant progress has been made in the countries that took measures against these crimes, it was stated in the report that El Salvador and Guatemala, which were the countries with the most violence in the past, reduced their murder rates with effective measures.