Telegram’s “Stories” Feature Is Live: How To Use It?
Telegram has also introduced the Stories feature, which has taken its place in almost all social media as of today, to its users. Details are here!
Telegram has made its new feature “Stories” available to everyone, which it has been testing for a while. Telegram Stories, a more advanced version of similar features found on Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp, aims to allow users to spend more time in the application.
What Does Telegram Stories Feature Offer?
The new feature of Telegram, which is preferred by many as a privacy-focused messaging application, offers more advanced possibilities than the other three popular applications. Stories that are deleted after 24 hours can be set to be deleted after a desired time in Telegram.

Users can choose from a variety of duration options such as 6, 12, 24 or 48 hours. However, optionally, the shared story can also be set to be permanent.
In addition to photos, it is also possible to share videos in stories. There’s also support for fine-tuning, such as choosing who sees stories.
The feature, which looks and works like other platforms as a working system, has started to be used by everyone as of today. Stories that are currently open to “Premium” users are located at the top of the main page and can be shared by clicking the + icon in the upper right corner.