Retaining Wall of Saint Pierre Church, The World’s First Cave Church, Demolished

The retaining wall of the Saint Pierre Church, which is located on the western slope of the Stauris Mountain (Haç Mountain) on the Antakya-Reyhanli road and is considered the ‘world’s first cave church’, was demolished. It is noteworthy that the main structure of the cave, which was used for the secret meetings of the first Christians in Antakya, was not damaged, but the new retaining wall collapsed.
In the earthquakes affecting 11 provinces centered in Kahramanmaras, St. The retaining wall of St. Pierre Church was demolished. Pope VI in 1963. Declared “Place of Pilgrimage” by Paul, St. Pierre Church was also affected by the earthquake. The retaining wall of the church collapsed.
One of the Oldest Churches of Christianity
The Church of Saint Pierre or Saint Peter’s Church consists of a cave with a depth of 13 meters, a width of 9.5 meters and a height of 7 meters carved into the rocks to the west of Stauris Mountain. This cave, which was used by the first Christians in Antakya for their secret meetings, is considered to be one of the oldest churches of Christianity.
Damage Viewed from the Air
Also known as the first church of Christianity before it was divided into Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant denominations, St. The damage to the wall of St. Pierre Church was viewed from the air.