Record Visit to Antalya by Plane! Tourists flock to

Tourism paradise Antalya is breaking records this year. According to the data of Antalya Governorship Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism, the number of tourists visiting the city by air between January 1 and July 24 increased by 107 percent compared to the previous year and reached 6 million 133 thousand 463. It turned out that the ‘Tourism Capital’ was visited by more tourists than in the same period of the last two years. continues to laugh. Antalya, one of the favorite holiday centers in tourism after the pandemic process, draws attention with its tourism activity. According to the data received from the Antalya Governorship Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism, the number of foreign tourists coming to the city by air between January 1 and July 24 reached 6 million 133 thousand 463.

There is a 107 Percent Increase
2022 tourism data in Antalya, one of the most important tourism centers of the Mediterranean, showed a great increase compared to the period of 1 January-24 July of the previous year. Between January 1 and July 24, the number of tourists coming to Antalya by air increased by 107 percent compared to the same period of 2021.
In terms of the number of tourists visiting Antalya by air between January 1 and July 24, 2022, more tourists than 2020 and 2021 combined. The number of tourists visiting Antalya by air between January 1 and July 24 was 682 thousand 148 people in 2020, 2 million 959 thousand 717 people in 2021 and 6 million 133 thousand 463 people in 2022.