PCR Test or Vaccination Certificate Started to Be Requested From Foreigners During Domestic Travels

Russian Interfax agency wrote that PCR tests are being requested from foreigners during domestic travels in Turkey.
The agency reminded that in the circular of the Ministry of Interior, which began to be implemented on September 6, foreigners were initially exempted from the obligation of vaccination or PCR testing for travels within Turkey. The statement of the Russian Tour Operators Association quoted by Interfax included the following statements:
“Turkish airline companies stated in the information they shared on their websites at first that foreigners were exempted from this obligation. However, after the reaction of the Turks on social media, a PCR test or vaccination certificate started to be requested from the tourists.”
The agency wrote that those who have received the Sputnik Light vaccine are not considered to be vaccinated in Turkey, so they had to show a PCR test or document that they had the disease in the last 6 months.
Resource : https://www.turizmgazetesi.com/haber/turkiye-ici-seyahatlerde-yabancilardan-pcr-testi-veya-asi-belgesi-istenmeye-baslandi/81160