City Name
Population Density
Population Growth Rate
Surface Area
Number of Districts
Postal Code
Area Code
GDP (Per Capita)
168 / km2
0,81 %
3.251 km2
6.986 $
Osmaniye has 7 districts totally. Kadirli is the biggest and most developed district of the city with 125.000 population. The Mediterranean climate dominates the basis of the Osmaniye climate. In Osmaniye, summers are hot and dry, winters are warm and rainy. The tree varieties seen are laurel, cedar and red pine trees on the slopes of Nur Mountain. In some regions, poplar growing is increasing.
The districts of Osmaniye are Bahçe, Düziçi, Hasanbeyli, Kadirli, Sumbas and Toprakkale. You will find detailed information for all districts of Osmaniye in this guide.
Short History of Osmaniye
Hittite, Assyrian, Persian, Greek, Roman and many other civilizations lived in Osmaniye. Turks’ entry into Osmaniye started with the conquest of the Turks in Anatolia, and in 1080 and after, Turks started to come to Osmaniye. 12th century. obediently Osmaniye has become a Turkish homeland. Osmaniye became the province with the proclamation of the Republic, and in 1996, it is our 80th city that achieved the status of a province.
Accommodation in Osmaniye is an important issue for people who visit city for different purposes like tourism or business. You will find different hotels in all districts of the city.
If you are looking for real estate for sale in Osmaniye or real estate for rent in Osmaniye, you are on the right page. As of the end of July 2020 in Osmaniye, the prices of houses for sale increased by 24.48% in the last year. Average for sale residential property size is 152 square meters. Considering the annual averages, as of the end of July 2020, the most appreciated districts in Osmaniye for residential properties are Toprakkale, Kadirli, Düziçi, Bahçe in descending order.
Do you want to get detailed information about hospitals in Osmaniye ? If you’re, our special health guide will be helpful for you. In Osmaniye , there are 1 city hospital, 4 state hospitals and 5 private hospitals. Some of the districts have hospitals in different regions of the city. You can get high-quality health services in many health instutitions in Adana.
Road Transportation
Those who leave Istanbul with their private vehicles can reach via Istanbul-Sakarya-Ankara-Aksaray-Adana. The distance between Istanbul and Osmaniye is 1.023 km and takes about 11 hours. Those who leave Izmir can use the Izmir-Afyonkarahisar-Konya-Aksaray-Adana line. There are bus services from all major cities to Osmaniye.
Air Transportation
You should use Adana Şakirpaşa or Gaziantep Airport to visit Osmaniye by airway.
Railway Transportation
You can find regional railway lines to Adana from Osmaniye.
You will find the answers of the “Best places to visit in Osmaniye” or “Top 10 things to do and see in Osmaniye” questions in this guide. Karatepe-Aslantaş National Park is located in Kadirli district. It is located on the bank of Ceyhan River in Kadirli district of Osmaniye. It covers a large area of 7891.5 hectares and has a rich vegetation. Trekking, camping and picnic can be done in the National Park area, which was taken under protection in 1958. Haruniye Castle is an important historical destination of the city. The castle, which was built by Faraç Bey, the frontier of the Abbasid Caliph in the name of Harun Reşit in 785-786, is located in the Kurtlar Village Dumanlı Plateau in the Düziçi district of Osmaniye. Şarlak Waterfall, Kastabala Ancient City and City Museum are the other important places to visit.
There is only one state university in Osmaniye named as Korkut Ata University.