Number of Foreign Visitors Increased in January

Number of foreign visitors increased by 151.4% in January
In January 2022, the number of foreigners visiting Turkey increased by 151.41% compared to the same month of the previous year.
According to the provisional data obtained from the General Directorate of Security; The number of foreigners visiting our country in January 2022 increased by 151.41% compared to the same month of the previous year and became 1 million 281 thousand 666.
According to the statement made by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, 2 thousand 189 (0.17%) of the foreign visitors coming to our country in January were excursionists.

The top 5 provinces in the ranking of the border gates that foreign visitors coming to our country most frequently enter in January are as follows:
1-Istanbul 61.76% (791 578)
2-Edirne 11.55% ( 148 016)
3-Antalya 9.19% ( 117 801)
4-Artvin 2.98% ( 38 224)
5-Şırnak 2.41% ( 30 951)