NASA images lightning flash on Jupiter

NASA began publishing photos taken by the Juno spacecraft during its 31st close pass of Jupiter in late 2020.
Jupiter, which is the fifth largest planet in the Solar system in terms of its distance from the Sun, consists largely of hydrogen and helium gases. Scientists continue to study this planet closely.
The Juno spacecraft, launched by NASA in 2011, revolves around Jupiter and sends various information about the planet to Earth.
New photo arrived
NASA began publishing photos taken by the Juno spacecraft during its 31st close pass of Jupiter in late 2020.
NASA noted that lightning on Jupiter, like on Earth, occurs in clouds containing an ammonia-water solution and is mostly seen near the poles.

Scientist Kevin M. Gill processed the image from raw data from the JunoCam instrument on the spacecraft in 2022.
The lightning was photographed about 32,000 kilometers above Jupiter’s cloud tops at a latitude of 78 degrees as the spacecraft approached the planet.