Mysterious Pregnancy: The Truth Revealed Later!
Two women became pregnant in the prison where there was no man! The truth was later discovered, It was surprising that two women became pregnant in the prison in the US state of New Jersey, where there are 800 women. It became clear later why women got pregnant in prison. The teams determined that the fathers of the babies were also transgender individuals who were in prison.
What happened in New Jersey, the only women’s prison in the United States, stunned those who heard it. Acting when two women became pregnant in the prison where 800 women were staying, the teams revealed that the fathers of their children were also transgender in the same prison.
The Prison Administration reported to that unidentified inmates at Edna Mahan Prison became pregnant “after having consensual sexual intercourse with another inmate.”
They Are There with their Trans Identities
In 2021, a decision was made in New Jersey to allow inmates to be housed according to their preferred gender identity. The decision was part of a compromise stemming from a human rights lawsuit brought by a woman who was forced to stay in men’s prisons for 18 months.
There Are 27 Trans Women
Trans women do not need to undergo gender reassignment surgery to settle in Jersey Prison, and the prison in question has more than 800 inmates, 27 of whom are trans women.