More Than 45 Thousand Buildings In Turkey Gained Digital Identity
Certificate plates with QR codes and RFID chips were placed in 48,250 buildings whose building inspections were completed by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change.
According to the information received by the AA correspondent from the General Directorate of Construction Affairs, the Building Identity Card is designed to give a technological plate to the buildings and to mount the document in the building. The system (BKS) has been implemented since the second half of last year. Data matrix certificate plates and RFID chips within the scope of BKS, which aims to increase the quality of Turkey’s building stock, to minimize the loss of life and property that may occur in possible disasters, and to issue “identity documents” to buildings. After the building inspections were completed, the erection of the buildings began. 48 thousand 250 plates were placed in the buildings whose inspections were completed this year.
How Many In Which City?
Accordingly, the province with the most signage was Istanbul with 4,897 buildings. Izmir was followed by Izmir with 3,586 buildings, Antalya with 3 thousand 454 buildings, Bursa with 2 thousand 798 buildings, Kocaeli with 2 thousand 573 buildings and Ankara with 1636 buildings.
In case of disasters such as earthquakes and fires, the information contained in the certificates placed inside the building can be accessed from a distance of up to 50 meters with the “RFID reader”. Thus, vital information such as “building floor plans”, “general data of the building”, “citizens residing in the building” can be accessed remotely. With the planned amendment to the Building Inspection Law in the future, the buildings that receive BKS will be inspected by building inspection organizations in five-year periods. Thus, in the stages after the completion of the building, the necessary measures can be taken by detecting violations of the legislation such as adding an additional floor, cutting a column, converting the basement floor into a floor, and using it as a bunker. warehouse. -Shopping centr