More Than 325 Flights Canceled Due To Strike in Germany

More Than 325 Flights Canceled Due To Strike in Germany
Public employees in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia launched a “24-hour warning strike” last night, with more than 325 flights canceled at the state’s two major airports.
“24-hour warning strikes” were held in many areas of public life in the province, such as airports, day care centers, municipal hospitals, garbage collection centers and light rail vehicles, as well as the United Service Industry Union (Ver.di). . ) He did an explanation.
In the statement, it was noted that in addition to these strikes, many protest actions were planned during the day.
In the statement made by the Cologne/Bonn and Dusseldorf airports, it was reported that more than 325 flights were canceled at the two airports due to the strike initiated by the employees last night.

In the statement, it was stated that 205 flights were canceled at Düsseldorf Airport and more than 120 flights at Cologne/Bonn Airport.
Employers offered a 5 percent increase in wages and a total of 2,500 euros at a time for employees in federal and local governments, but the unions rejected the offer as insufficient.
The unions are demanding a 10.5 percent increase in wages or an additional raise of at least 500 euros per month.
Wage negotiations are scheduled to continue on 27 March.