Kirsehir Ahi Evran University

Study in Kirsehir Ahi Evran University
Ahi Evran University is a state university and it is located in Kırşehir. If you want to learn more about Ahi Evran University in a detailed way, you can find the useful information, which you are looking for, in this article. The history of Kirsehir Ahi Evran Universityin short KAEU is based on the Boys Primary School, which was established in 1961. The institution, which continued its educational activities under this name until 1974, was transformed into the Institute of Education since then, and in 1982, it was transformed into a two-year School of Education and affiliated to Gazi University. The institution, which was named Kirsehir Faculty of Education in 1992, gained its current identity with the name of “Ahi Evran University” on March 17, 2006. The university has a total of 6 campuses; Faculties, Institutes, Colleges and Vocational Schools; Main (Babbasi) Campus, Cacabey Campus, Asik Pasa Campus, Kaman Campus, Mucur Campus and Cicekdagi Campus.
Bagbasi Campus: (Main Campus)

The main campus of Kirsehir Ahi Evran University is located in Bagbasi district of Kirsehir. The distance between the city center of Kirsehir and Kirsehir Ahi Evran University: 3 kilometers. Some faculties such as; Economics And Administrative Sciences, Faculty Of Education, Medical Faculty are located in the main campus.
Bagbasi Campus (main campus) is located in Bagbasi district of Kirsehir, 3 km away from the city center. Public transportation is provided to the campuses from the city center during the day. In addition, Kirsehir Ahi Evran University provides free shuttle service between Asikpasa Campus and Bagbasi Campus.
There are several types of options in terms of accommodation for the ones who study in Kirsehir. There are 6 student dormitories, 4 girls and 2 boys, affiliated to the Credit Dormitories Institution in Kirsehir. More than 9500 students are offered accommodation by Credit And Dormitories Institution in Kirsehir. In addition to these, there are 8 private dormitories and a number of aparts in Kirsehir center.
Apart from these options, students can prefer to rent a flat. Many suitable furnished flats are available for the students who prefer to stay in a flat.
Prep. School:
Preparatory class trainings at Kirsehir Ahi Evran University are given in the School of Foreign Languages. The School of Foreign Languages is located in Bagbasi Campus (main campus). Compulsory foreign language courses are given by the academic staff of the university.
The Library:

The Main Library served on the ground floor of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences between 2011-2015 (September). With the initiation of the retrofitting works of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences building within the scope of earthquake regulations, it continues its activities on the upper floor of the Central Dining Hall and Canteen Complex, where it has been serving since September 2015. The aim of the main library of Kirsehir Ahi Evran University is to provide the information needed in the education, teaching and research studies of the university in the most appropriate way by following the developments in today’s technology and to meet the information needs of the users.
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