Kastamonu is located in the Black Sea Region of Turkey with 380.000 population. The city is an important tourism, agricultural and trade center of the region. Kastamonu’s economy is largely based on agriculture. 40% of the gross product is obtained from agriculture. The industry has started to develop in recent years. Turkey is one of the richest regions in terms of forest. Forestry has developed in different districts of the city. Kastamonu has been an important region especially for the Ottoman Empire. It is possible to see works of many Ottoman architectures. Apart from this, historical traces from various civilizations are available in the city. Kastamonu has an agricultural production-oriented structure economically. In addition, Kastamonu, which has some tourism branches, has come to a position that provides income to its economy with the work done in this field and manages to introduce itself a little more every day.
Check out the most comprehensive Kastamonu city guide now. You will find the answers of many questions like “Places to see in Kastamonu” or “How to get to Kastamonu ?” in this guide.
City Name
Population Density
Population Growth Rate
Surface Area
Number of Districts
Postal Code
Area Code
GDP (Per Capita)
Black Sea
29 / km2
-1,04 %
13.136 km2
12.658 $
Tosya, Cide, Taşköprü and İnebolu are the most developed districts of Kastamonu. Especially, Tosya and Taşköprü play an important role on agricultural and industrial activities for city economy. On the other hand, Cide and İnebolu are important summer tourism destinations near Black Sea with important and high-quality tourism facilities.
The districts of Kastamonu are Abana, Ağlı, Araç, Azdavay, Bozkurt, Cide, Çatalzeytin, Daday, Devrekanı, Doğanyurt, Hanönü, İhsangazi, İnebolu, Küre, Merkez, Pınarbaşı, Seydiler, Şenpazar, Taşköprü and Tosya. You will find detailed information for all districts of Kastamonu in this guide.
Short History of Kastamonu
Kastamonu is a very old settlement center. Remains belonging to prehistoric ages have been found. B.C. Kaşkas (Gases), a branch of the Sumerians, dominated this region in 1780-1200. It was found within the borders of the Hittite Empire, which constituted the first political union in Anatolia. Kastamonu was a very important city in the period of Candaroğulları and Ottoman Empire. It lost its former importance at the end of the Ottoman Empire. Candaroğulları and Ottoman Empire left many works in this city. Kastamonu, a city that did not suffer any invasion, including after the First World War, performed great services in the War of Independence. Arms and front lines from Istanbul were delivered to Ankara via İnebolu and Kastamonu. After the declaration of the Republic, Atatürk declared the “Şapka Devrimi” in this province on 23 August 1925. During the republic period, many people immigrated from Kastamonu to big cities and especially to Istanbul.
Accommodation in Kastamonu will be important if you are not resident in this city. It’s too easy to find a lot of hotels in districts near Black Sea because of tourism activities like İnebolu and Cide. On the other hand, there are a lot of accommodation alternatives in city center.
If you are looking for real estate for sale in Kastamonu or real estate for rent in Kastamonu , you are on the right page. As of the end of July 2020 in Kastamonu province, the prices of houses for sale increased by 17.27% in the last year. Average for sale residential property size is 120 square meters. Considering the annual averages, as of the end of July 2020, the districts that gained the most value in Kastamonu for housing were Taşköprü, Abana, Araç, İnebolu in descending order.
Do you want to get detailed information about hospitals in Kastamonu? In Kastamonu, there are 12 state hospitals and 3 private hospitals. Almost all districts have hospitals in different regions of the city.
Road Transportation
Kastamonu is located at the center of the route that connects Ankara and Çankırı with İnebolu on the Black Sea coast. Those who want to go to Kastamonu from Istanbul with their own vehicle need to follow the Bolu, Gerede and Ilgaz route. You can find a lot of bus lines to Kastamonu from many cities of Turkey today. Thanks to Ilgaz Mountain Tunnel, it’s too easy to connect city from Çankırı side.
Air Transportation
Kastamonu Airport is 12 km from the city center. Turkish Airlines has regular direct flights from Istanbul Airport to Kastamonu. Istanbul-Kastamonu flight time is 1 hour 25 minutes.
You will find the answers of the “Best places to visit in Kastamonu” or “Top 10 things to do and see in Kastamonu” questions in this guide. Things to do in Kastamonu, Turkey, which has one of the most planned urban centers need to start from the ground to the city center. Located in a very wide and scattered geography, the city has districts and historical beauties that should be visited all around. Kastamonu Archeology Museum, Liva Pasha Mansion Ethnography Museum, which reveals the rich cultural texture of the region, and Kurşunlu Inn, which was built by Candaroğulları in the 1400s, are among the places to visit. Frenkşah Hammam, one of the oldest buildings in Kastamonu, is also indispensable for cultural tours in the city.
Küre Mountains, which has an enormous microclimate structure, has become a source of life with its clean oxygen that has a healing quality. It is a natural wonder belonging to Kastamonu, where hundreds of species of endemic plants grow, the waterfalls flow with a restless sound, and excited with its valleys and canyons. Ilgaz Mountain is an important winter tourism destination. Thanks to the ski resorts in the top of mountain, you can try skiing activities in Ilgaz.
There are only one state university located in Kastamonu named as Kastamonu University.