Kangaroo Rat Spotted in Kahramanmaras!

The ‘kangaroo rat’, which is shown as one of the most interesting animals in the world and continues its life without drinking any water, was displayed in the Afsin district of Kahramanmaras. The cute animal then disappeared into the darkness. A citizen named Emrah Tavsan, who lives in Altunelma Neighborhood, noticed an animal jumping in the dark near his house. Realizing that the animal he saw was a kangaroo rat, whose natural habitat is deserts, Rabbit immediately took a photo. The kangaroo rat then jumped and disappeared into the darkness.

One of the World’s Most Interesting Animals
Stating that he was doing research on the animal he saw, Rabbit said, “The kangaroo rat is on the red list of the World Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) because it is in danger of extinction. It can live without drinking water. It is also among the 19 most interesting animals in the world. “It was also something special for me to see him.”
Here is that photo: