History Of March 21 World Down Syndrome Awareness Day: What Is Down Syndrome And How To Recognize It?
After March 21 was declared World Down Syndrome Day by the United Nations, various awareness activities are organized around the world. So, what is Down Syndrome and how to recognize it?

The United Nations declared March 21 as “World Down Syndrome Awareness Day” in order to raise social awareness and sensitivity about Down syndrome worldwide, to contribute to positive attitudes and behaviors towards individuals with Down syndrome, and to draw attention to the importance of early education and continuity in education. In our country, activities that will contribute to social awareness and sensitivity are organized every year on March 21 in our schools and institutions affiliated to our Ministry.

Down syndrome is a genetic condition that causes differences in the physical characteristics and mental abilities of individuals. It should be remembered that individuals with Down syndrome can contribute to society, develop their talents and lead a happy life.

Down Syndrome is a chromosome abnormality. While the number of chromosomes in an ordinary human body is 46, the number of chromosomes in individuals with Down Syndrome is 47. It occurs when there is an extra chromosome in the 21st chromosome pair as a result of an incorrect division during cell division. For this reason, Down Syndrome is also known as Trisomy 21.

There are 3 types of Down syndrome: Trisomy 21, Translocation and Mosaic. Down Syndrome is diagnosed immediately or shortly after birth. Some of the physical characteristics seen in Down Syndrome are slanted small eyes, flattened nose, short fingers, curled pinky toes, thick neck, single line on the palm of the hand, and the big toe being more open than the other toes.
Individuals with Down Syndrome are more prone to certain conditions. It is therefore important that health checks are carried out on time and without interruption. The physical and mental development of babies with Down Syndrome lags behind their peers. However, they can successfully adapt to community life with appropriate education programs.