Gulhane Park

Gulhane Park is a historical park located in Eminönü district of Fatih district of Istanbul. Alay Mansion is located between Topkapı Palace and Sarayburnu. Gulhane Park was the outer garden of Topkapı Palace during the Ottoman Empire period and contained a grove and rose gardens. The Tanzimat Edict, the first concrete step of democratization in Turkish history, was read by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mustafa Reşit Pasha in the Gulhane Park on November 3, 1839, and is therefore also called the Gulhane Hatt-ı Hümayunu. Şehremini was organized in the time of operator Cemil Pasha (Topuzlu) and turned into a park in 1912 and opened to the public. Its total area is up to 163 acres. On the right at the entrance to the park are the city of Istanbul and busts of the mayors. A road with trees passes through the middle of the park. There are resting places and a playground on the right and left of this road. There is a statue of Aşık Veysel to the right of the slope that curves down towards the Bosphorus, and the Goths Column from the Romans is at the top towards the end of the slope. Sarayburnu Park part used to be connected to the main park with a bridge over the Sirkeci Railway line. This part was later separated from the park by the coast road (1958). In the Sarayburnu section, there is the first statue of Atatürk erected after the Republic (3 October 1926). The statue was made by Australian architect Kripel. Atatürk showed the public the Latin letters for the first time in this park on September 1, 1928. While Atatürk’s body was sent to Ankara, the last ceremony in Istanbul was held in the Sarayburnu section of Gülhane Park on 19 November 1938. The coffin was taken from the cannon cart by 12 generals and placed on the Zafer destroyer, which approached a pontoon on the dock to be taken to the battleship.
It is possible to reach Sirkeci by the City Lines Ferries from Kadıköy and Üsküdar. It is also possible to reach by Marmaray from Üsküdar. Also, it is possible to reach by the Tram (T1 line) from Kabataş to Bağcılar-Kabataş.
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