Fuel reduced! Here are the new fuel prices

While oil prices fell below $90 in the past day, fuel prices are also falling in parallel. A discount of 1.14 lira came to the diesel engine, which was increased two days in a row. After the last discount, September 8 prices in fuel became a matter of curiosity. Here are the current diesel, gasoline, LPG prices… The fluctuations in Brent oil and exchange rates were also reflected in fuel prices. While the Dollar/TL rate has been trading at 18.20 levels in the last days, the barrel price of brent oil has decreased to 89 dollars yesterday. The sharp drop in oil also affected the liter price of diesel.

Engine Discount Has Been Made
After a discount of 2.41 TL was applied to the diesel price last week, it was increased by 69 cents the previous day. The liter price rose to 25.99 TL with a new hike of 77 cents yesterday. As of midnight tonight, a discount of 1.14 TL came to diesel.
After the discount, the diesel liter decreased from 24 liras to 86 kurus in Istanbul, from 24 liras to 97 kurus in Ankara, and from 24 liras to 99 kurus in Izmir.
Gasolıne And Lpg (Autogas) Prıces
This week, the price of gasoline is 19.23 TL after 77 cents per liter. LPG (autogas) liter is 10.62 TL.

8 September Fuel Prıces
- Gasoline: 19.23 TL
- Diesel: 24.86 TL
- LPG: 10.62 – 11.07 TL
- Gasoline: 19.34 TL
- Engine: 24.97 TL
- LPG: 10.94 TL
- Gasoline: 19.34 TL
- Engine: 24.99 TL
- LPG: 10.74 TL