Forest fire in Bilecik

Forest fire in Bilecik
The fire that broke out in the forest area between Ertuğrulgazi and Osmangazi tunnels in Bilecik was brought under control.
A fire broke out in the forest area between Ertuğrulgazi and Osmangazi tunnels on the Bilecik-Eskişehir highway for an unknown reason.

Fire brigade and Bursa Regional Directorate of Forestry teams were dispatched to the area to extinguish the fire close to the highway.
1 airplane, 10 land vehicles, 10 water tanks, 5 helicopters and approximately 130 personnel intervened in the fire.

In the statement made by Bursa Regional Directorate of Forestry, in addition to 4 helicopters, a fire management vehicle, 15 land vehicles, 9 first response vehicles, 12 water tankers, 4 construction equipment and 150 personnel intervened in the fire, “The fire, which started on the roadside near Ertuğrulgazi Tunnel and progressed to steep and rocky terrain with the effect of wind, was brought under control without growing thanks to the early and effective intervention of our forest heroes from the air and on the ground.” statements were used.