Everthing about Turkish Delight from A to Z

Turkish delight is one of the traditional flavours of Turkish cuisine, also it has an significant motif culturally. Turkish delight can be eaten on feast following ramadan, special days, ceremonies, or with Turkish coffee. Here are the everything that you need to know about Turkish delight from a to z.
The history of Turkish Delight:
History of Turkish delight, which is one of the important flavoursof ottoman cuisine, is based on quite old times. “Abhisa” is a dessert that was eaten by Sasanians governing in Iran between 226 and 652 years before christian era. It is predicted that abhisa underlied Turkish delight.
“ Rahat-ul hulkum “ was used in ottoman period, which means relieving the throat. In anatolia, delight emerged on 15th century. To be known everywhere in anatolia and to enter in Turkish cuisine completely happened on 17th century. The first mass production of Turkish delight, that was famous in anatolia and was spread halfway round the world by european travellers, was made on 1777.
Delight was produced by adding honey, fruit syrup, and flour formerly. After that, starch and refined sugar entered in cuisines, and the taste of delight has changed. Many different types of delights are produced at the present time.
The way of making Turkish Delight
Turkish delight is made by mixing sugar, starch, food colouring, citric asid, and flavor. To make Turkish delight requires mastership and ability. Here is the way of making Turkish Delight:
- Firstly, sugar is got into hot water until it dissolves.
- Citric asit and starch are kept waiting in an another pot until they dissolve.
- Mingle the mixture of citric asit and starch and sugared water, then coddle them for a while.
- The time of boiling and consistency of mixture are up to master’s ability.
- Liquid mixture is spilled in iron pots.
- In final stage, delights are given shapes and wrap.
The types of delights
Every region has it’s own type of delights in Turkey. Here are the types of delights which appeal to many different taste buds:
Hazelnut delight, turkish delight with hard consistency, bird delight, Turkish delight with walnut, Turkish delight with peanut butter, Turkish delight with lemon, Turkish delight with mint, turkish delight with pomegranate, saffron Turkish delight, Turkish delight with chocolate, Turkish delight with coconut and there are so many different delight types which we couldn’t say. They create great flavours for ifferent taste buds.
Nutritive value of Turkish delight
Nutritive value changes according to ingredient which is used and the type of delight. Nutritive values ,which are found in real Turkish Delight, should be like that;
There are 0.23 gram of protein, 0.19 gram of oil, 89.25 gram of carbonhydrate, 19 mg of potassium, 5 mg of calcium, 1 mg of iron vitamins in 100 gram of Turkish Delight.
What are the benefits of Turkish Delight ?
There are so many benefits of Turkish delight for human body and health. Here are the some of them;
- It prevents tonsillitis
- Carbohydrate in it is useful for kidney disease
- It provides healing of wound or
- It protects and strengthens teeth
Different types of servicing Turkish Delight
Each dessert in Turkish cuisine has a service type. Like the other desserts which are eaten on special days, Turkish delight is given in a handkerchief, or it is serviced with Turkish coffee on feasts. Turkish delight is distributed to community after the islamic memorial service on the nights that are blessed for muslims.
Is it harmful eating Turkish Delight too much ?
Even if the most useful thing is used too much, it will begin to be harmful. Also delight shouldn’t be eaten too much. It is delicious taste and when you begin to eat it, you couldn’t stop yourselves. But you shouldn’t come under the influence of it. Turkish delight is good at put on weight because there are sugar and starch in delight. So you shouldn’t eat it too much.
Thank you very much for this amazing article. I learned a lot of new things about Turkish delight. I really like to eat Turkish delight. I mostly prefer pistachio and rose Turkish delight. I don’t like to drink coffee. However, I love to drink Turkish coffee with Turkish delight. I wish you the best of luck and every success in the future.