Norbert Fiebig, President of the Association of German Travel Agencies (DRV), said that in the new reservations made for this year, the eastern part of the Mediterranean is the most popular region and is preferred more than the western part of the Mediterranean.
Pointing out that the pre-Kovid-19 period has not been fully reached in terms of sales, Fiebig said, “Turkey has been very popular for German tourists for years, especially in summer and autumn.”
Stating that Turkey is especially preferred by families with children due to its excellent price-service relationship, Fiebig said, “Families are still making reservations for summer vacation. We assume that the number of reservations will increase even more and reach the same level in 2019.” made its assessment.
Expressing that they expect a very good summer season, Fiebig said, “Most likely, the figures for the summer of 2019 will be approached. However, looking at the whole year, the travel industry has not yet reached the pre-Kovid-19 level. The industry is optimistic that the 2019 sales figures for 2023 can be reached or even exceeded. ” used the phrases.
Noting that after two years of the Kovid-19 epidemic, Germans have a desire to travel, Fiebig said, “We saw the first big wave of travel on Easter. Bookings for the summer are already very good. Tourists are looking for sun, sand and sea in popular holiday destinations around the Mediterranean. Spain, Greece and Turkey are the most demanded destinations. he said.
“Turkey will have a good summer”
FTI Group’s Senior Manager, Ralph Schiller, said that with the removal of measures such as “high risk zones” or the obligation to fill in the entry forms, reservations increased again, this was seen in reservations on Easter Feast, and the demand for the summer of 2022 is higher than the previous year. gave.
Expressing that they assume they will have a good summer period if the conditions remain like this, Schiller said, “Turkey is one of the most booked travel destinations at the moment. Package tours on Turkey’s Aegean and south coast are still among the favorites of German holidaymakers. In February, both regions “The reservation level was as strong as the pre-Kovid-19 period. With the completion of the login form and the removal of the HEPP code, more obstacles have been lifted. Therefore, we believe that if all goes well, Turkey will have a good summer where it can reach pre-2019 levels.” made its assessment.
1.5 million tourists
In the statement made by TUI Group, “TUI will take approximately 1.5 million guests to Turkey this summer. Thus, compared to 2019, it increases its capacity for all European markets.” In the statement, it was informed that 1 million of these holidaymakers will go to Antalya.
In the statement, it was underlined that this summer, the number of reservations will be approaching 2019.