Drum Cymbals Produced in Samsun Are Exported To More Than 30 Countries

Drum Cymbals Produced in Samsun Are Exported To More Than 30 Countries
Handmade drum cymbals produced in Samsun’s Terme district are preferred by musicians from many countries.
In the workshop in the Terme Industrial Zone, three people hammer the metal poured into the molds after the copper and tin are melted, giving the best sound. In the last stage, the crescent-star logo is embroidered on the bells that emerged as a result of a great effort.
Handmade cymbals, which are popular with musicians in many parts of the world, are also produced on demand. Drum cymbal manufacturer Hakan Fidan told Anadolu Agency (AA) that he started his career as an apprentice in 2005 when he was just 15 years old. He stated that they started to produce drum cymbal models.

Noting that they produce jazz, rock and pop series, Fidan continued: “We can give many famous drummers in Turkey and around the world the sounds they want, the way they want. We export to more than 30 countries such as Germany, America and Norway. …. We send these series in a way that appeals to the musician’s style. Our products are handmade and called ‘B20 Bronze’. We continue to make handmade products. Machines are produced in many parts of the world, but we prefer to make handmade products.” Stating that they send products to many bands and musicians from Terme, Fidan said, “We gave our products to MFÖ drummer Cengiz Bey. We sponsored Resul Dindar’s drummer Atakan Bey, we gave our products. We send products to many drummers in Turkey and the surrounding area. Hans from Germany. We have a drummer named Lehmann, we made special productions for him, and we sent him. Many musicians from abroad who know and hear our brand, are curious about this business, and wonder how it is.
“We aim to go forward as a brand”

Emphasizing that they are working to produce the best quality products, to capture the best quality sound and to design new models and present them to the best drummers of the world, Fidan said: “Turkish cymbals are famous all over the world. Musicians know how they are made. They are quality Turkish cymbals. Our difference is handcraft. This business is being done. As a brand, we aim to go far and participate in fairs. Fairs are held regularly in America and Germany every year. We do everything we can to promote our own brand and take it to the next level at these fairs.” Stating that they produce close drum cymbals, Fidan said that their current production is around 500-600 and this figure changes according to the order.