Drifted For 24 Days In The Middle Of The Sea! He Survived by Eating Them

Drifted For 24 Days In The Middle Of The Sea! He Survived by Eating Them
Elvis Francois, 47, from Dominica, was rescued exactly 24 days later when he was dragged by boat in the Caribbean Sea. François said he managed to survive for 24 days by eating 1 bottle of ketchup, garlic powder and broth tablets.
In December, Elvis François, trying to repair a boat in the port of Saint Martin Island in the Caribbean Sea, began to drift with the current. François, who had no maritime knowledge and was dragged in the open sea, could not ask for help because he did not answer the phone.
Drifting for days at sea, 47-year-old François survived by eating 1 bottle of ketchup, garlic powder and broth tablets for 24 days. François, who wrote “help” on the hull of the sailboat, managed to attract attention by reflecting the sun’s rays to the plane using a mirror on January 15th. The crew reported the situation to the Colombian Navy. A merchant ship with whom the navy had contact rescued François, who had been drifting at sea for about a month, and brought him to the port city of Cartagena. While Francois was going through his health check, the immigration office started the relevant process for him to return to his country.

“There was no food on the boat. There were ketchup, garlic powder, and broth tablets. I mixed the broth tablets with water and drank them. I had nothing to do but sit and wait. I lost hope for a while and thought. My family. Thank you to the Navy. Without them, I wouldn’t be able to tell this story,” he said. francis said.