Did Covid-19 Leak From The Lab? Response From USA

Did Covid-19 Leak From The Lab? Response From USA

Questions about the source of the new type of corona virus (Covid-19) have remained unclear since the beginning of the pandemic. US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan answered the question of whether the virus that caused the Covid-19 epidemic spread from the laboratory.

Speaking to CNN, Sullivan was asked about the Department of Energy’s report, published in the Wall Street Journal, which concluded that “the Covid-19 outbreak was most likely caused by a laboratory leak.”

Sullivan stated that there are different opinions in the intelligence community on this issue, but there is not enough information to be sure.

Sullivan explained that President Joe Biden has repeatedly instructed intelligence agencies to get to the root of this problem.

“If we get more information, we will share it with Congress and the American public. However, there is currently no ‘conclusive answer’ to this question from the intelligence community,” Sullivan said. aforementioned.

The Wall Street Journal, on the other hand, wrote that the Department of Energy thinks the Covid-19 virus most likely accidentally leaked from a lab in China, according to a classified intelligence report that it recently presented to the White House and key members. Congress.