Can Foreigners Object the Result of Application for International Protection?

In cases where the necessary conditions are not met or documented, the General Directorate of Migration Management gives negative decision to international protection applications. If, as a result of the examinations and evaluations, it is concluded that the foreigners do not meet the criteria to benefit from international protection in Turkey, the applications are concluded in a negative way and this decision is communicated to the foreigner in writing. Foreigners have the right to object to this decision. If the foreigner objects to this decision within the periods specified in the law, this decision becomes final. After the decision is finalized, if there are no other reasons that may be a reason for the foreigners to stay in Turkey legally, a deportation decision is made by the Immigration Administration. Therefore, if the decision is to be appealed, it is very important that this objection is made within the legal time limits.
How to Object to an International Protection Application?
If you want to object to the negative international protection application, you must submit an objection petition to the “International Protection Evaluation Commission” at the Directorate of Migration Management in your city within 10 days. Although this commission does not have the characteristics of a court, it is an appeal authority. After your appeal, this commission examines your appeal and makes a decision within 15 days. If the International Protection Evaluation Commission rejects your appeal, you can make a second appeal to the administrative court within 30 days from the date of the rejection decision. In addition, an appeal can be made directly to the administrative court. Administrative courts do not have a specified time limit for the final decision. However, if the decision of the administrative court has also been negative, you have the right to apply to the Regional Administrative Courts, which is a higher authority.
If you have questions about the objection to an international protection application in Turkey, you can send them to us in the comments section.