Bee-laden truck overturned: Bees scattered around!

The driver of the pickup truck loaded with beehives was injured in the Tosya district of Kastamonu. The teams could not intervene in the accident for a while due to the attack of the bees.
The van loaded with beehives under the direction of Doğukan T. fell into the stockade after hitting the barriers in the Sapaca village area of the D 100 highway.
As a result of the falling of the hives in the vehicle in the accident, the bees were scattered around. Security forces and Highways teams could not intervene in the accident due to the attack of bees.
The injured driver was taken to Tosya State Hospital by the medical teams, wearing a special protective suit by other beekeepers.
Due to the accident, the Istanbul-Samsun direction of the D 100 highway was closed to traffic for a while. Security forces asked for help from Tosya District Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry.
The hives scattered around were collected by other beekeepers and carried to the side of the road.