Balikesir Clock Tower

Balikesir Clock Tower
Balikesir is Turkey’s most populous city of the seventeenth. The province, which is located in the Southern Marmara Region of the Marmara Region and part of its lands in the Aegean Region, has a coast to both the Marmara and Aegean Sea. In Turkey there are only 6 provinces adjacent to the two seas The province is located in Northwest Anatolia. There are several different places that you can visit in Balıkesir. Balıkesir Clock Tower is among the important structures of the city and it is one of the places that you should visit while you are in Balıkesir. According to the inscription on the entrance door of the tower, it was built in 1827 by Girit-i Zade Mehmet Pasha, the Governor of Silistre. The work is likened to the Galata Tower in terms of structure. The Clock Tower was destroyed in an earthquake in 1897. The destroyed tower was rebuilt in 1901 by the governor Ömer Ali Bey. In 1962, its inscription was repaired. The tower, which was built with 5 floors, is 20 meters high. The fact that there is no difference between the photographs in the Hudavendigâr yearbook, the archive of Ircıca and the tower built today shows that the tower was modernized in accordance with its original. The reconstructed clock tower was built using white cut stone and decorated with relief work. The top floor of the clock tower is covered with a dome and a large bell has been added to the top. On the floor just below here, a clock was placed in all four directions. Balıkesir Clock Tower, which carries an example of Ottoman architecture until today, has a height of 20 meters. This clock tower is one of the must-see points on your Balıkesir trip. Of course, you can visit Zağnos Pasha Mosque, Bandırma Archeology Museum, Kozak Plateau, Seven Martyrs Monument, Antandros Ancient City in Balıkesir. There are many points to discover in Balıkesir.
After reaching Balıkesir province, you can prefer to use public transportation. Since Balıkesir Clock Tower is in the center, transportation can be provided by urban transportation vehicles.