Attention! Eber Yellow Flower Picking Heavy Penalty

Those who damage the Eber yellow flower, an endemic species found only around Eber Lake in Afyonkarahisar, will be fined 109 thousand 593 liras. Observing the endemic plants in the region, Afyon Kocatepe University Nature Conservation and Biomonitoring Application and Research Center Director Prof. Dr. Uğur Cengiz Erişmiş said, “Our people are conscious about the preservation of Eber yellow and we are comfortable about it.”
The endemic species Eber, which grows around Lake Eber, located within the borders of Sultandağı, Çay and Bolvadin districts of Afyonkarahisar, draws attention with its yellow and yellow flowers. Afyon Kocatepe University Nature Conservation and Biomonitoring Application and Research Center Director Prof. Dr. Uğur Cengiz Erişmiş said that Eber yellow, a native plant species found in Lake Eber, is taken under protection and that it is monitored 4 times a year. prof. Dr. Erismis stated that they are trying to protect the plants and animals unique to the city with the species protection monitoring action plan.
It is forbidden to pluck flowers
Stating that there are about 240 plant species in the Eber Lake region, Prof. Dr. Ermiş said, “17 of them are endemic, but one of the most special ones here is Eber yellow. We call it ‘Vuralia turcica’. We call it Eber yellow. The species, conservation monitoring action plan continues. We monitor this with Nature Conservation and National Parks at certain periods in 4 periods of the year. “Again, within this framework, it is not possible to collect anything without a legal permission regarding biosmuggling, whether it is endemic or not. There is a fine of 109 thousand 593 liras. In this context, we advise our people to be careful and not to commit such an unauthorized crime,” he said.
Public Conscious
Emphasizing that the people of the region are conscious about the protection of Eber yellow, Prof. Dr. Erişmiş said, “To protect the Eber yellow, it has already been monitored by the University and Nature Conservation National Parks for 4 years. We come and come. Watch the diversity of the existing factory, see if it grows or shrinks. Even a new settlement last year is in a different region (“Eber yellow flower is very serious about this. Photograph the yellow flowers blooming during this period together with this green flower.
Available in This Region Only
Kadir Ateş, the field guide at Lake Eber, pointed out that Eber yellow is only found in this region and that the number of tours has increased. Ateş said, “As you can see, we are in the Eber yellow conservation area. Our Lake Eber tours bring them to this area after watching flamingos and water lilies. This area is fenced. Why is it surrounded? It is surrounded to protect it. It is protected from wild animals or stray animals.” It is a plant that only belongs to the Eber region. Our citizens, who follow them on social media, have shown great interest in Eber Sarı recently. While the number of stages was 3, 5 and 10 in previous years, it is much higher and progresses exponentially.”