Artificial Intelligence Became A Therapist!

With the technology developing day by day, artificial intelligence chatbots can replace our friends and even our therapists. How Does? In our content, we have included the details of Replika, the artificial intelligence chatbot prepared for you to be the trouble partner of people.
Who do you talk to when you are bored, when you need to talk? With your family, your friends, your cousin, your lover… Have you ever thought of talking to ‘Siri’?
Or any similar app…

Such applications, supported by artificial intelligence, are improving day by day and can provide more detailed answers. Computer programmer Eugenia Kuyda introduced the chatbot application called “Replica”, which is always ready to listen and talk to users.
Launched in 2017, the app now has more than 2 million active users.
Replica users can create their own ‘replicas’ and customize them as they wish.
The founder of the application mentioned that Replika application can be used by everyone from autistic children who want to increase their communication skills to adults who need friends.
She also explained that some users even chat about marriage problems or politics with Replika.

According to the World Health Organization, there are 1 billion people with mental disorders worldwide, and only a small fraction of these people have access to quality mental health care.
In line with this data, Eugenia Kuyda, the creator of the application, mentions that chatting on Replika is also good for your mental health, but it is recommended that everyone who has mental health concerns should go to a medical center first.
Well, what if things don’t go well with Replika, whom you chat with so that it will improve your mood, heal you and relieve your loneliness?

According to reports in February, some users were having inappropriate conversations with chatbots on Replika. Immediately after the news, the application was updated and its settings were improved.
Although any negative situation is immediately intervened, the cases due to artificial intelligence chatbots are increasing.
Although it sounds good to share all your troubles with someone who does not know you at all, who will forget what you have told them and will not judge you in any way, people are also hesitant to download such applications because of the cases mentioned.