Akbank Buys Cryptocurrency Exchange

Making a surprise move last week, Akbank stepped into the market by purchasing the majority stake in the newly established Stablex cryptocurrency exchange.
Although there is a certain distance against cryptocurrencies in our country, there is a need to make a move in the face of increasing interest. In the past years, the boss of Finansbank, Özgür Güneri, surprisingly became the partner and boss of BTCTurk. Another surprise came from Akbank.
Akbank Enters the Crypto Money Market
According to the notification made to the Public Disclosure Platform, an agreement was signed between Akbank and Stablex for the acquisition of the majority shares of Stablex Bilişim Teknoloji Anonim Şirketi (Stablex Exchange).
Stablex is not a well-known stock market in Turkey, but it attracted attention with its Akbank acquisition. The stock market has been operating for about 1 year. The exchange, which uses its website for informational purposes, carries out its main functions through mobile applications. There is no information about the volume of the exchange as it is not registered with Coinmarketcap. The purchase will be completed after the approval of the Competition Board.