26.5 Percent of Türkiye’s Population is Children

26.5 Percent of Türkiye’s Population is Children
Türkiye’s child population, which was determined as 22 million 578 thousand 378 at the end of last year, constituted 26.5 percent of the country’s population. It is estimated that the child population ratio will be 25.6 percent in 2030, 23.3 percent in 2040, 20.4 percent in 2060 and 19 percent in 2080.
Turkish Statistical Institute announced the child statistics for 2022.
According to the results of the Address Based Population Registration System, as of the end of 2022, Turkey’s population was 85 million 279 thousand 553, of which 22 million 578 thousand 378 were children.
51.3 percent of the child population was boys and 48.7 percent were girls.
According to the United Nations definition, while the child population, including the 0-17 age group, constituted 48.5 percent of the total population in 1970, this rate was 41.8 percent in 1990 and 26.5 percent in 2022.
According to population projections, the proportion of child population is estimated to be 25.6 percent in 2030, 23.3 percent in 2040, 20.4 percent in 2060 and 19 percent in 2080.
When the child population rates of 27 European Union (EU) member countries are analyzed, the average child population rate of the EU in 2022 was 18.1 percent.
Among the EU member states, the countries with the highest child population were Ireland with 23.6 percent, France with 21.3 percent and Sweden with 21 percent.
The countries with the lowest child population rates were Italy with 15.6 percent, Portugal with 15.8 percent and Malta with 15.9 percent, respectively.
It was observed that the child population rate of Turkey, with 26.5 percent, is above the EU member states.
Last year, the province with the highest child population rate in Turkey was Şanlıurfa with 44.9 percent, while the province with the lowest rate was Tunceli with 16.9 percent.
According to the results of the Address Based Population Registration System (ADNKS), the province with the highest child population rate was Şanlıurfa with 44.9 percent last year. This province was followed by Şırnak with 41.4 percent and Ağrı with 39.3 percent.
The provinces with the lowest child population rate were Tunceli with 16.9 percent, Edirne with 17.7 percent and Kırklareli with 18.4 percent.

Last year, the total number of households was determined as 26 million 75 thousand 365. It was observed that 44.3 percent of the households had at least one child in the 0-17 age group. When the distribution of these households by provinces is examined, it was determined that the province with the highest proportion of households in the 0-17 age group with at least one child was Şanlıurfa with 70.3 percent and Tunceli with 29 percent. lowest.
One child in the 0-17 age group in 18.9 percent of the total households, two children in 15.4 percent, three children in 6.5 percent, four children in 2.2 percent, five children in 1.3 percent children and above were recorded.
In 2017, 28.3 percent of the child population is in the 0-4 age group, 27.7 percent is in the 5-9 age group, 27.1 percent is in the 10-14 age group, and 16.8 percent is in the 15-17 age group. is in the group. group. included in the age group. Last year, it was 25.1% in the 0-4 age group, 29.4% in the 5-9 age group, 28.5 percent in the 10-14 age group and 17 percent in the 15-17 age group. seen.