22.000 Mahsa Amini Protestors Released From Prison In Iran!

Mahsa Jîna Amini, 22, died on September 16, 2022 in Tehran, the capital of Iran, after being beaten and arrested by civil servants known as the ‘morality police’. The protests that started on September 17, 2022 in her hometown of Sakkız, After Amini was murdered in custody by the ‘morality police’, protests started on September 17, 2022 in her hometown of Sakkız. These protests spread throughout the country and turned into anti-government protests.
Nearly 500 protestors were killed during the months-long events, and more than a hundred security personnel lost their lives. While Iran did not make an official statement about those arrested during the protests, independent sources announced that thousands of protestors were arrested. Iran’s President of the Judiciary Ejei announced that 22 thousand people who were convicted of being related to the Mahsa Jîna Amini protests benefited from the amnesty decision issued in February.

Iran’s Head of Judiciary Muhsin Ejei made a statement regarding the amnesty in the country in February. Ejei said that those convicted of having relations with the protests that started with the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Jîna Amini, who was murdered in the custody of the ‘morality police’ in September 2022, also benefited from this amnesty. Ejei shared the information that 22 thousand people convicted of being involved with the Mahsa Jîna Amini protests benefited from the amnesty.
Giving information about the prisoners who benefited from the amnesty decree signed by the country’s leader Ali Khamenei on February 5 at the meeting of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary, the President of the Judiciary of Iran, Muhsin Ejei, said, “82 thousand people have been amnesty so far. 22 thousand of them are those who participated in the rebellion.” . Pointing out that approximately 60 thousand of the other prisoners were released, Ejei noted that the sentences of 34 thousand people were reduced with the last amnesty decision.