What did his lover Atakan Işıktutan say to İrem Derici’s bikini poses?

What did his lover Atakan Işıktutan say to İrem Derici’s bikini poses?
İrem Derici, who took a break from her intense concert marathon and went on vacation to Barcelona with her girlfriends, shared her bikini poses on her social media account. Derici’s first statement came from his lover Atakan Işıktutan. Işıktutan, who is a Beşiktaş fan, said to her post, “Bikini is black and white, details are not lost”.
İrem Derici, who has made a name for herself with her private life and concert marathon recently, went to Barcelona for a holiday with her girlfriends. Derici, who actively uses his social media account, did not neglect to share his bikini poses on the boat.

İrem Derici, who has been doing sports with her lover Atakan Işıktutan for a while and paying attention to her nutrition, posed on the boat in her bikini. He wrote the note “Girl to girl holiday heart. My love, you covered my cellulite”. Derici’s lover, who did not remain silent about her sharing, also commented, “Bikini black and white, detail does not go away”. Saba Tümer also put a flame emoji on Derici’s post one after the other.