Van Cat is Protected

About 130 kittens were born in the Van Cat Mansion, which is visited by hundreds of thousands of locals and foreigners every year. continues with dedication. Van cat; It is considered as one of the most important values of the city with its friendliness, white, silky fur, lion’s walk, long and fluffy tail resembling a fox’s tail, different eye colors and fondness for water. While the births of Van cats continue in sync with each season, the cats born as two batches were also weaned. Van cats, whose generation is tried to be guaranteed with new members, are aimed to be adopted at the end of the year for a fee.

Van Cat Should Be Found All Over Turkey
Speaking to the IHA reporter, Van Cat Application and Research Center Director Prof. Dr. Abdullah Kaya stated that the births in the cat villa are synchronized. Expressing that he gave birth in 3 parties in a year, Prof. Dr. Kaya said, “This year, two parties were born and we had the opportunity to get more puppies than we expected in both parties this year.

We got more puppies with the last batch. In this context, our research center also makes adoptions. We do not want every animal to be adopted here. “We want them to be in the family. We don’t want them to be in Van only. We want Van cats to be found all over Turkey. Therefore, if there is a Van cat in every family, we will guarantee the generation,” he said.

130 Kittens Produced
Expressing that after meeting their own needs every year at the Cat House Mansion, the surplus cats are also adopted by the families for a fee, and continued his words as follows: “Every year, we add at least 100 families to families with Van cats. The family is growing. Thus, we are taking firm steps towards a long goal. We had the opportunity to have 130 puppies this year. The last group will give birth at the end of October. They will have adopted them after December.”