Turkish Scientists’ 7th National Antarctic Science Expedition Begins

The 7th National Antarctic Science Expedition, in which Turkish scientists will conduct scientific studies on living species, nature, climate and geology in Antarctica, begins. Scientists set out.
Action was taken for the 7th National Antarctic Science Expedition, where Turkish scientists will carry out scientific projects in Antarctica. 19 scientists set out from Istanbul to go to Antarctica.
T.R. 22 scientists, 19 Turkish and 3 foreign, will participate in the 7th National Antarctic Science Expedition, organized under the coordination of the Presidency, the Ministry of Industry and Technology and the TUBITAK MAM Polar Research Institute (KARE). 18 different scientific projects will be worked on. For the first time, students are participating in this year’s research. High school students who came first in the TEKNOFEST High School Students Polar Research Projects Competition will have the opportunity to see the bases of various countries in Antarctica.

Giving information about the works to be done, TÜBİTAK KARE Institute Director Prof. Dr. Burcu Ozsoy said, “We are in the field with more innovation every year. In these studies, especially atmospheric sciences come to the fore. Geological studies will be carried out. Micro plastics are at the forefront. We have a wide range of studies such as volcanic structures, earth sciences, ecosystem studies.”
Explaining that there is a meteorology base established by Turkey in Antarctica and that weather forecasts are made with the data obtained from the devices there, Prof. Dr. Ozsoy said, “During the trip, the teams of the General Directorate of Maps, the Department of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography, and the General Directorate of Meteorology are with us. “We now have a weather station in Antarctica and we can get daily data from it. We don’t need weather forecasts anymore and this data is very valuable to us.” used the phrases.