Turkey’s Current Population Announced: How Much Has There Been an Increase?

Turkey’s Current Population Announced: How Much Has There Been an Increase?
Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) shared the current population data. Here is the current population of Turkey and other important details!
According to the newly announced data by TurkStat, there is a big increase in Turkey’s current population. As of December 31, 2023, there is an increase of 92 thousand 824 people compared to the previous year.
Of the total population of 85 million 372 thousand 377 people, 48.6% are men and 51.4% are women. While the male population was 42 million 734 thousand 71 people, the female population was 42 million 638 thousand 306 people.
Population Growth Rate is Declining Compared to Previous Years
According to the results shared by the Address Based Population Registration System (ADNKS), the foreign population residing in Turkey decreased compared to the previous year. The current status of the foreign population, which decreased by 253 thousand 293 people, was recorded as 1 million 570 thousand 542.

The proportion of those living in provincial and district centers, which was 93.4% in 2022, became 93% in 2023. The proportion of people living in towns and villages increased from 6.6% to 7%. The situation in Istanbul, which has the highest population in Turkey, decreased by 252 thousand 27 people compared to the previous year and became 15 million 655 thousand 924 people.
Istanbul accounts for 18.24% of Turkey’s population, followed by Ankara. After Ankara with 5 million 803 thousand 482 people, Izmir comes after Ankara with 4 million 479 thousand 525 people.
The current population by province is as follows:
- Bursa 3 million 214 thousand 571
- Antalya: 2 million 696 thousand 249
- Bayburt took the title of the province with the least population. The current population of Bayburt was 86 thousand 47 people. Other provinces with the least population
- Tunceli: 89 thousand 317
- Ardahan: 92,819
- Gumushane 148,539
- Kilis 155,179
Other Details on Turkey’s Population
According to the announced data, the median age of Turkey’s population increased to 34. The median age, which was 33.5 in 2022, rose to 34 at the end of 2023. While the median age for males was 33.3, it rose to 34.7 for females.
In the distribution of median age by provinces, Sinop has the highest rate. Giresun and Kastamonu follow the province with the highest median age of 42.8%. Şanlıurfa was the province with the highest median age. Şırnak and Ağrı were added right after it.