Turkey is the European Champion in the Gaming Industry!

Turkish gaming startups received an investment of 333 million dollars in the first 6 months of the year and became the first in Europe in the gaming industry. The Turkish gaming industry received an investment of $266 million in 2021. In the first half of this year, it received an investment of 333 million dollars, surpassing the total of 2021 in 6 months. After Turkey, England is in second place with 158 million dollars and Norway is in third place with 60 million dollars.
Startups.watch’s report “Turkish startup ecosystem 2022 H1 report” has been published. According to the report, 333 million dollars were invested in Turkish gaming startups in the first half of 2022, thus making the Turkish gaming industry the country that received the most investment in Europe. After Turkey, England ranked second with 158 million dollars and Norway was third with 60 million dollars.
The Turkish gaming industry received an investment of $266 million in 2021. In the first half of this year, it received an investment of 333 million dollars, surpassing the total of 2021 in 6 months. Thus, the Turkish gaming industry broke its own record and became the first in Europe.
According to the “2022 Semester-Turkey Startup Ecosystem Investment Report” of StartupCentrum, a total of 1.4 billion dollars was invested in the Turkish entrepreneurship world in the first half of 2022. The game industry received 333 million dollars of these investments.
As in 2021, a quarter of the total investment made in Turkey in the first half of this year was made in the game sector. Turkey, which is the first in Europe in investments made in the gaming sector, ranked 4th in Europe in investments made in the total entrepreneurship ecosystem.

In the first half of this year, the Turkish entrepreneurship ecosystem received an investment of 1.4 billion dollars. With an investment of 768 million dollars, Getir brought the food & grocery delivery industry to the top. After the delivery industry came the gaming industry. Thus, the investments made in the gaming sector exceeded 4 times the total investment in the e-commerce and finance sector.
In the first half of 2022, 160 Turkish startups were invested. Thus, a new venture received investment approximately every day. The finance sector ranked first with 20 investments. Then came the gaming, health and artificial intelligence & machine learning sectors with 12 investments each.
Finance startups, which ranked first in terms of the number of investments, received an average investment of 1.35 million dollars. The average investment amount per enterprise was 1.32 million dollars in the health sector, 10.61 million dollars in the artificial intelligence sector and 28 million dollars in the games sector.