Top List of Valued Winning Sectors and the Products in Turkey For Last 10 Years

Turkey’s economy has made great progress in recent years. Behind this development and growth are some sectors. Let’s look at these sectors directly contributing to the growth of the economy both in terms of value added and employment …
Building & Real Estate
The most important sector of the Turkish economy is undoubtedly the construction sector. In terms of added value and employment, the construction sector provides significant benefits both to the country and to investors in this sector. Especially in Istanbul and the realization of the massive housing and building projects every year in big cities such as Ankara, it is possible to say that Turkey and other cities in the Considering that serious construction work on the construction and real estate sector in the last 10 years, much appreciated. Urban transformation projects are also an important factor in the growth of the real estate and construction sectors.
In addition to operating the world’s Turkish construction companies in many countries it still represents a significant amount of foreign currency supply to Turkey.
White Goods
The white goods sector has been the fastest growing sector by providing 100% growth in the last 10 years. Thanks to its robust infrastructure, state-of-the-art production facilities and qualified workforce, the white goods sector directly and indirectly employs approximately 500,000 people. 72% of white goods in Turkey exporting to other European Union countries. Especially the UK, Germany, France, Italy and Spain are the countries where the white goods exports are made the most.
If Turkey’s leading companies in the white goods sector Arçelik, Beko, Vestel, Demirdöküm, Profilo, Indesit, Ariston brands such examples we can give. For example, the factory producing home appliances and electronic products from Vestel Vestel City in Manisa, Turkey’s largest factory and one of the world’s largest industrial centers. 16,000 people work in the plant, which occupies more than 1 million square meters. As the world’s largest television producer, Vestel is one of the world’s leading domestic brands of refrigerators, washing machines and dishwashers as well as smartphones.
In 2017, the automotive sector continued to grow steadily, reaching the highest profit rate in the last 10 years. Turkey’s automotive sector, with new products and production capacity investments and exports continues to rise in the world market increasing slightly each year. In 2017 Germany, Spain, France, Britain and Russia after recording the biggest developments in the automotive sector in Turkey, while motor vehicle exports in Japan, the situation left behind powerful countries such as South Korea and the United States.
the domestic automobile production project for the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey are likely to be contributing to the growth in the automotive sector.
Furniture industry is also given considerable importance as other important sectors in Turkey and is one of the sectors showing continued growth. Exports in the furniture sector grew by 6 times in the last 10 years, growing by 7 ks. Exports in the areas of sofas, sofas, beds and industrial furnishings amounted to $ 192 million in 2001, up significantly in 2015 to $ 2 billion 193 million. In this growth, the share of the various incentives provided by the state to the investors making furniture for export is also very important.
Green Energy
rising costs of fossil fuels, because they are not environmentally safe and sustainable in recent years Turkey has a serious interest in natural energy resources. Solar panels, wind turbines began to increase in many parts of Turkey over the past 10 years.
Industry and Trade Ministry to supply with more rational way the need for energy with the increase of industrial zones in Turkey, Turkish Technology Development Foundation (TTGV) and the Agricultural and Rural Development Support Agency (ARDSI) the sun and will invest in wind energy field serious domestic and foreign investors incentives.