TikTok Will Restrict Young Users’ Screen Time

TikTok has taken new steps to reduce the time spent by young users between the ages of 13-18 in the application.
TikTok, which has not fallen off the agenda with its increasing popularity recently, is increasing the number of users around the world day by day.
TikTok has announced new features to reduce the time spent by young users between the ages of 13-18 in the application.
TikTok Screen Time Will Decrease To 60 Minutes
According to the statement made; The company will automatically limit the daily screen time of users under the age of 18 to 60 minutes.
If teens turn off the time limit completely and then spend more than 100 minutes per day in practice, it will say that a practice time limit needs to be set.
In addition, parents will be able to see at what time of the day or on which day their children use TikTok intensively.