Tesla Ends the Era of Touching the Steering Wheel!
Tesla Ends the Era of Touching the Steering Wheel!
When you activate autonomous driving in Tesla, you need to touch the steering wheel at certain intervals. With the FSD v12.4 update, this situation will end!
When you activate autonomous driving in Tesla and in almost all vehicles, that is, when the vehicle starts to drive itself, you need to inform the vehicle that you are not asleep and that you are following the road by touching the steering wheel at certain intervals. If you don’t touch the steering wheel for a while, the vehicles stop automatically.
While other automakers are at the beginning of the road in autonomous driving, Tesla can now drive fully autonomously from one city to another. Of course, in this case, constantly touching the steering wheel is uncomfortable.
Tesla Autonomous Driving Will No Longer Ask You to Touch the Steering Wheel!
Tesla will eliminate the need to touch the steering wheel with the FSD v12.4 update it will release in the coming days. Elon Musk increased the expectation by describing this update as “mind-blowing” and confirmed the removal of the need to touch the steering wheel with his response in X.
It is a matter of great curiosity how the authorities will react to Tesla’s removal of this warning, but it should be noted that Tesla will not give up control completely. The driver will now be monitored through the camera in the cabin instead of touching the steering wheel.
The driver will be warned if he does not look at the road for more than 3 seconds. To date, we have even seen drivers who have activated autonomous driving and fallen asleep, but we remind you once again that you should always keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the steering wheel just in case.