Technological Solution to Dolphin Deaths

An international project was developed against the increasing dolphin deaths due to fishing nets. With the project, which was first tried in Sinop, thanks to the acoustic devices attached to the nets, both dolphin deaths will be prevented and fishing nets will be protected.
Sinop is one of the places where dolphin deaths increase on the western Black Sea coast. Fishing nets are the leading cause of death.
An international project was developed to prevent increasing deaths. With the “Conceta” project, carried out jointly with Romania, dolphins are removed from the fishing nets with an acoustic device attached to the nets.
Saying that the dolphins are warned with the devices attached to the nets, Conceta Project General Coordinator Ümit Aydın said, “After the warning, the dolphin, who gave his full attention to the fish in the net, focuses on different areas and realizes the net and we will deal with this without causing an event that will cost his life.”
The project is 70% successful
In studies supported by the European Union, the sound waves used by dolphins in communication in the Black Sea waters were examined. Sounds that can mean a warning among themselves were integrated into the mechanical mechanism called “pinger”.
Within the scope of the studies, 60 acoustic sound devices were distributed to the fishermen, and a success rate of 70 percent was achieved.
The project is aimed to be implemented in all provinces on the Black Sea coast.