Storm and hurricane warning in Ankara!

Storm and hurricane warning in Ankara
A warning was issued against the storm and tornado, which is expected to last for 3 days in Ankara. It was requested to take special precautions for the storm that will increase its effect on Saturday.
Ankara Metropolitan Mayor Mansur Yavaş, in a statement on his Twitter account, asked to be cautious against storms and tornadoes, and said, “Dear fellow citizens, I ask you to take precautions against the most intense storm and tornado danger of the last days. For the next 3 days, it is between the hours that are expected to coincide especially with Saturday. “Our municipality will be on the alert with all its relevant teams. You can report your notices to us on the Başkent 153 line.
The General Directorate of Meteorology also warned against heavy rains in some regions today. While precipitation is expected to be locally strong in Kütahya, Afyonkarahisar, Isparta and Çorum regions in the north of Central Anatolia, it was requested to be careful and cautious against adverse events such as floods, floods, lightning and transportation. disruptions, strong winds and hail during precipitation.

Storm and hurricane warning in Ankara!