Riot Games’ League of Legends Fighting Game Will Be Playable Soon!

Riot Games’ League of Legends Fighting Game Will Be Playable Soon!
Riot Games’ highly anticipated League of Legends fighting game called Project L will be playable very soon. Here are new details about the game!
League of Legends fighting game Project L doesn’t have a release date or a proper name yet, but it won’t be long before you have the chance to play it on your own.
Because Project L, which Riot Games will breathe new life into fighting games, will be playable at EVO 2023. The world’s largest fighting game tournament event will take place from 3 to 6 August, and Project L’s appearance there means the free-to-play 2v2 game will be available to the public for the first time.

The demo will be limited to just four characters: Ahri, Ekko, Darius and a fourth champion yet to be announced. It appears that the other champions confirmed for Project L, including Jinx and Illaoi, are not quite ready for this process yet.
Project L Will Be Playable at EVO 2023
The EVO 2023 announcement follows the release of a new Project L dev diary video in which executive producer Tom Cannon confirms that the game supports 2v2 co-op.
Rivera says that Project L will “support 1v1, 2v2, and even 2v1 matches,” while also noting that solo players will be able to control both champions on their team.
Until now, Project L has only received annual updates on the game’s development progress, but now that a demo is available at Evo 2023, the update pace for this new game from Riot Games could start to pick up.