Pentagon: Iran Can Build Nuclear Bomb in 12 Days!

A senior Pentagon official noted Iran’s impressive progress in the nuclear field, saying the country could produce the fissile material needed for a nuclear bomb in 12 days.
Colin Kahl, Undersecretary for Policy at the US Department of Defense (Pentagon), said that Iran is capable of making a nuclear bomb within 12 days. Kahl, one of the most authoritative figures of the Pentagon, made remarkable remarks in his speech in the House of Representatives.

Noting the “impressive progress” made by Iran in the nuclear field after the US withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the Pentagon undersecretary said, “In 2018, it took about 12 months for Iran to produce the fissile material required for a nuclear bomb. Now, this period has decreased to 12 days,” he said.

US Still Possible to Restrain Iran
Returning to cooperation under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action to curb Iran’s nuclear programs again is the best option, according to the Pentagon’s major, but the United States is yet to consider such a thing. “Right now the JCPOA is frozen,” Kahl said. used the phrases.
In 2015, Britain, Germany, China, Russia, the United States, France and Iran signed a nuclear agreement called the JCPOA, which provides for the lifting of sanctions against Iran in exchange for reining in its nuclear program. In 2018, during the presidency of Donald Trump, the United States decided to withdraw from the JCPOA and re-implement sanctions against Iran.