No extension for unregistered Syrians in Istanbul

No extension for unregistered Syrians in Istanbul
The Ministry of Interior’s Directorate of Migration Management announced that sanctions will be imposed on Syrians under temporary protection who are found not to have left Istanbul within the allotted time despite being registered in other provinces as of Sunday, September 24.
In the statement of the Directorate of Migration Management, it was reminded that in the announcement made by the Governorship of Istanbul on July 28, 2023, it was stated that Syrian nationals under temporary protection who are currently in Istanbul despite being registered outside the province should return to the provinces where they are registered until September 24, 2023.
In the statement, it was stated that if Syrians under temporary protection apply to the Istanbul Provincial Directorate of Migration Management to return to the provinces where they are registered until Sunday, September 24, they will be given a travel permit:
“This period will not be extended. As of September 24, 2023, during the inspections to be carried out by our Governorship, Syrian nationals under temporary protection who are found not to leave our province at the end of the period granted to them, although they do not have the legal right to stay in Istanbul, will be taken to Temporary Accommodation Centers and administrative obligations will be imposed within the scope of the Law No. 6458 on Foreigners and International Protection and Temporary Protection Regulation in order for them to stay in the provinces where they are registered, and the prescribed sanctions will be imposed.”

In the statement, it was announced that Syrian nationals under temporary protection who came from the provinces affected by the earthquakes on February 6 and who were previously issued travel permits will be allowed to stay in Istanbul until further notice.
No extension for unregistered Syrians in Istanbul