NASA Discovers Habitable Planet

NASA has discovered a habitable planet 100 million light years away from Earth. The exoplanet discovered by NASA’s TESS space telescope was named “TOI 700 e”. Located in the habitable zone of the Constellation Dorado, the exoplanet TOI 700 e is at a distance from its orbiting star that would allow water to exist on the planet’s surface.
The US Aerospace Agency (NASA) has discovered an Earth-like exoplanet located 100 million light-years away from Earth, orbiting a star, and hosting favorable conditions for life. The planet, called TOI 700 e, is located in a region where water can exist. NASA pointed out that the surface of TOI 700 e may be rocky, and stated that it has similar dimensions to the earth.
NASA has discovered an Earth-sized exoplanet in the habitable zone of the Constellation Dorado. This exoplanet, named “TOI 700 e”, is at a distance from its orbiting star that would allow water to exist on the planet’s surface.
Researcher Emily Gilbert, who conducts the study at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, stated that the discovered planet named TOI 700 e is one of the few systems with multiple, small, habitable zone planets.
Pointing out that the TOI 700 exoplanet system is an important discovery in order to be able to be followed more closely, Gilbert added that it is 10 percent smaller than the recently discovered TOI 700 d.
In the system called “TOI 700”, three more exoplanets, previously named TOI 700 b, c and d, were discovered.