Money invested for Star Citizen exceeds $600 million

Star Citizen, whose foundations were laid in 2010, continues to increase development costs with crowdfunding. Currently, the Star Citizen crowdfunding pool has exceeded $600 million.

Star Citizen, a sci-fi themed, space trading, war simulation and RPG developed by Cloud Imperium Games, continues to stand out with its massive crowdfunding campaign that still collects millions, more than a decade after the project. Star Citizen, the foundations of which were laid in 2010 and the production process started in 2011, broke a new record with the crowdfunding pool it continued.
Star Citizen raised $600 million
Star Citizen managed to collect approximately half a billion dollars in financing during this period of last year. With the intervening 11 months and an extra $100 million in funding, Star Citizen has now raised over $600 million. In terms of crowdfunding, May was the most active month of 2023, with more than $20 million in funding. The reason behind this could be the free-to-play event, which offers access to almost everything in the game.

2023 was also a year when Star Citizen and Cloud Imperium Games achieved more of their goals. In March, Cloud Imperium Games released Alpha 3.18, the biggest update ever for the game. Persistent Entity Streaming brought with it long-promised features like recovery mechanics, cargo reorganization and much more.
Then in May, with the next quarterly content pack, Alpha 3.19, the city of Lorville was significantly overhauled, process improvements were made to recruit new players, and improved tractor beam interactions were added. Despite all these updates, there is no release date for Star Citizen. Additionally, the roadmap for future updates of the game shows that Alpha 3.20 for the Persistant Universe episode is coming very soon. Scheduled for release in the third quarter of 2023, this update will include a brand new low-earth orbital station atop Crusader, new cargo interactions, missions and improvements to ground vehicles.